Henan Huatai Group

Stock code:837819
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Henan Tuoren Sanrui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. 3 sets 10m³

Henan Tuoren Sanrui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. ethylene oxide sterilizer 3 sets 10 cubic meters

The sterilization of 20 cubic meters of ethylene oxide produced by Henan Huatai Anjiu Medical Equipment started. The sterilizer is 20 cubic meters with a single door. Its working conditions need to meet the following indicators:

a) Ambient temperature: 5°C~40°C

b) Relative humidity: not more than Less than 85%;

c) Atmospheric pressure (absolute pressure): 70kPa~106kPa;

d) Power supply: a.c. 380V ± 38V, 50Hz ± 1Hz.

e) Input power: 50KVA


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