Henan Huatai Group

Stock code:837819
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AB Drum temperature desolventizing series
AB Drum temperature desolventizing series

AB Drum temperature desolventizing series

AB Drum temperature desolventizing series

Product Details

Equipment type: low temperature precipitation

Product application: soybean low temperature Desolventizing device.

Product features: unique design and structure, phosphorus bronze, stainless steel scraper and cylinder wall equipped with spiral scraperThe gap is adjustable, the main speed is adjustable, and the yield, desolvation effect, the fragmentation and color of low-temperature meal are controllable.

Device parameters:

AB cylinder model Capacity(t/d) Power(kw)
DT50 50 7.5
DT100 100 11
DT200 200 15
DT300 300 22
DT500 500 30
DT600 600 45
DT800 800 55
DT1000 1000 75
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