Henan Huatai Group

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Rice husk cooking

Rice husk contains a large amount of pentosan and pectin components, which will produce furfural and methanol during the fermentation process. The proportion of these ingredients can be reduced by cooking. Furfural and fusel alcohols are not only harmful to the human body, but also the source of bitterness, fishy smell and peculiar smell in liquor, so steaming rice husk is the fundamental way to solve the quality problem of liquor. The system uses a continuous cooking process to cook and cool the rice husks. The main equipment for rice husk cooking is the rice husk cooking machine.

   Through continuous exploration and innovation, Henan Huatai Intelligent Equipment Group has achieved a series of achievements in the field of automated brewing equipment and intelligent manufacturing. The integration of brewing equipment has realized the intelligent brewing process such as automatic brewing, robot screening, automatic distillation and drying system. technology, automation technology, industrial robot, online real-time detection, artificial intelligence big data and other technologies.



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