Henan Huatai Group

Stock code:837819
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Acorn Starch Production Scheme

Huatai Acorn Starch Production Line

Huatai communicated with Korean processors and visited many manufacturers, experienced countless trials of various new processes, summed up the experience and lessons, and developed a better production process and equipment for acorn starch.

Difficulties and characteristics of acorn starch processing

● It is necessary to choose the appropriate process and raw material ratio to maintain the viscosity of acorn starch

● Ensure the taste of acorn starch and reduce the bitterness of acorn starch

Process flow of Huatai acorn starch production line

1. Soak

2. Shelling

3. Feeding

4. Smash

5. Second crushing

6. Screening

7. Fine screening

8. Dehydration

9. Dry

10. Packaging

11. Finished product storage

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Get a quote 0371-86236366