Henan Huatai Group

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The system components of the ethylene oxide sterilizer

 According to the "Medical Device Classification Rules" of the State Food and Drug Administration Order No. 15, this product belongs to Class II active medical devices. The project number is 11-03-03 According to the classification rules in GB4824-2013 "Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Equipment Disturbance Characteristics Limits and Measurement Methods", the equipment belongs to Group 1, Class A, medical equipment, non-household and equipment not directly connected to residential low-voltage power supply installations. It is mainly used in industrial production environments such as hospitals, medical device manufacturers, and scientific research units.

   So what are the components of an ethylene oxide sterilizer?

   The ethylene oxide sterilizer is composed of a sterilization box, a heating system, a vacuum system, a dosing and gasification device, a residual gas treatment system, and a monitoring and control system. Among them, the sterilization box is mainly composed of inner tank, shell and pipeline; the heating system is mainly composed of heating belt and temperature controller; the vacuum system is mainly composed of vacuum pump, control valve, filter and vacuum pipeline; dosing and gasification device It is mainly composed of manual valves, temperature detection, gasification heating system, and gasification chamber; the detection system is composed of temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and pressure sensors; the control system is composed of microcomputer controllers, industrial touch screens, buttons and other control electrical components.



Precautions for use of ethylene oxide sterilizer

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The solution of ethylene oxide sterilizer in medical masks

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