Biodiesel technology refers to transesterification process to replace waste oil into renewable diesel fuels. Biodiesel is able to obtain from a large variety of animal or vegetable oils including soybean oil, rapeseed oil, palm oil, pistacia oil, other wild plant oil, algae, aquatic plants, food waste oil etc.
biodiesel technology processing line
Which kind of waste oil can be used to make biodiesel?
Waste oil mentions to oil during production of edible oil and meat processing. It includes acid oil, food oil, cooking oil, vegetable oil and animal store expired fat. The biodiesel technology can perfectly convert vegetable or animal waste oil into biodiesel through a series of processing flows.
Acidification oil
Acidification oil refers to waste cooking edible oil after vegetable oil refining processing product. Cooking oil waste generated by the plant after oil refining process contains hydration feet, soap and deodorizer distillate.
Food waste oil
Food waste oil includes cooking oil, mainly referring to garbage oil generated during cooking. It includes meals remaining oil, frying oil, swill oil, and waste oil etc. The effective utilization of edible oil consumption is estimated to a maximum of 85%, and 75% in developed countries. There are at least 15% oil is changing into waste oil. As a result, low cost waste oil is highly recommended for biodiesel production.
Storing expired edible oil
Since edible oil reserve is one of the most important material relating to the national economy, which is as equal as food to national development. There is at least 1 million tons of edible oils are in need of treatment after expiration. These expired oils are high quality raw material to produce biodiesel.
Animal fat and oil
There are large amounts of animal fat byproducts with high-speed development of animal feeding increasing. High quality animal fat in many places is used as edible oil. But in recent years, with the enhancement of public health concept, the remaining amount of animal fat can reach as high as 5 million tons one year. Animal fat has been an important industrial material, which can also be used as important material for biodiesel technology.
Waste oil is the raw material oleochemical industry, for the production of chemicals, solvents, additives and other chemicals or additives. In a variety of waste oil , the reserves of oil and animal fat expired due to relatively concentrated, easy to bulk supply, use more fat in the chemical industry. Acidification oil due to high impurity content, smell great, the chemical industry uses less oil. Catering oil sources scattered and difficult to collect is using less.In recent years, the development of biodiesel technology industry has greatly accelerated the value of waste oil.
Advantages of using waste oil for biodiesel technology production
Using waste oil to produce biodiesel, regardless of the season with the annual supply of woody oil tree cultivation, has no requirement of early investment of plant oil plant. Waste oil biodiesel technology quality requirement doesn’t as strict as production of olechemical products. There are more varieties of waste oils can be used for biodiesel production line.
Waste oil is available at cheap price, always less than 70% of edible oil. The raw material cost is relatively low to make biodiesel. Biodiesel as an alternative to diesel in market has large gap and good sales prospects.
Social significance of waste oil producing biodiesel
Use of waste oil producing biodiesel is high quality component of diesel. Biodiesel operated vehicles can reduce pollution of atmospheres. The production of waste oil into biodiesel is the best utilization of waste oil. Biodiesel technology avoids waste oil returning to the table, endangering human health.
Waste oil producing biodiesel technology will quickly drive the development of biodiesel industry, including equipment manufacturing, construction, oil deployment, storage and sales. In addition, biodiesel processing line has also led to the production of industrial use of chemical solvents, surfactants, plasticizers and other emerging the rise of the industry. These industry chain developments, increase employment opportunities in urban and rural areas, and reduce social pressures of current employment.
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