Complete Set of Protein Engineering Solutions

Complete set of protein engineering solutions

The Complete Set of Protein Preparation Solutions

Protein engineering production flow
Protein concentration process by alcohol method

Protein Concentration Process by Alcohol Method

  • The full continuous alcohol production process is adopted, and there is no sewage in the production process.

  • The output of a single production line reaches 100000 tons/year of soybean protein concentrate.

  • Advanced technology of soybean protein concentrate with Admn-alcohol method.

  • The production line is automatically controlled by the whole computer to ensure the stability of process parameters.

Protein concentration process by alcohol method flow

Functional Soy Concentration Protein Process

Functional soy concentration protein process

Cottonseed Dephenol Protein Project

Cottonseed dephenol protein project

Cottonseed Dephenol Protein Process

Cottonseed dephenol protein process flow

Characteristics of Cottonseed Protein Processing Technology

  • A super stripping and brightening system with multistage air separation is added to the cottonseed knife plate sheller. Ensure that the shell content in the kernel is freely regulated at 1-3%, and the protein content produced is 60-65%, which is convenient for regulation.

    Cottonseed protein processing technology advantages 1
  • The automatic switching of high and low-temperature proteins can be achieved by increasing the puffed equipment in the pretreatment workshop.

    Cottonseed protein processing technology advantages 2
  • In the wet meal treatment, Atlas dehydrator independently developed by Huatai is used to reduce the heat exchange area of the disc dryer and reduce the amount of steam and cooling water.

    Cottonseed protein processing technology advantages 3
  • Hybrids for the dehydric coating section are segmented, The extraction workshop is equipped with mixed oil refining and, can directly produce three-level cotton oil. Based on freezing recovery, the free gas increases the adsorption recovery of paraffin, which greatly reduces solvent consumption.

    Cottonseed protein processing technology advantages 4

Main process technical indicators

  1. Steam: 220kg/t cottonseed
  2. Electricity: 28kwH/t (lowprotein)
    32kwH/t (highprotein)
  3. Methanol: 2.5kg/t (cottonseed)
  4. Industrial Hexane: 1.5kg/t (cottonseed)
  5. Water: 220kg/t (cottonseed)
  6. Circulating water: 20t/t (cottonseed)

Quality index of cottonseed protein products

  1. Cottonseed protein moisture: 6-7%
  2. Residual oil rate on dry basis: ≤0.6%
  3. Free cotton phenol content: ≤20ppm
  4. Protein content: >60-65%
  5. Protein solubility: >50%

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